Fadi Sun, Ph.D.
Title:Assistant Professor
【Research Interest】
Fadi Sun's research primarily focuses on theoretical condensed matter physics, utilizing both analytical and numerical methods to investigate quantum many-body systems. He is especially interested in exploring topological quantum phase transitions, quantum magnetism, and quantum chaos behaviors in strongly correlated systems, ultracold atomic gases, and topological quantum matters.
Fadi Sun joined Great Bay University as an assistant professor in January 2023. He received his B.S. in Applied Physics from University of Science and Technology Beijing in 2008. He acquired his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016, and his Ph.D. in Engineering Physics from Mississippi State University in 2020 under the guidance of Professor Jinwu Ye.
15 Fadi Sun, Yu Yi-Xiang, Jinwu Ye, Wu-Ming Liu, Universal ratio in random matrix theory and chaotic-to-integrable transition in type-I and type-II hybrid Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models, Physical Review B 104, 235133 (2021). [SCI, IF: 4.036]
14 Fadi Sun, Jinwu Ye, Slow-Goldstone mode generated by order from quantum disorder and its experimental detection, Journal of High Energy Physics 2021, 190 (2021). [SCI, IF: 4.977]
13 Fadi Sun, Jinwu Ye, Quantum Lifshitz transitions generated by order from quantum disorder in strongly correlated Rashba spin-orbit-coupled systems, Physical Review A 104, L031306 (2021). [SCI, IF: 3.140]
12 Fadi Sun, Jinwu Ye, Periodic Table of the Ordinary and Supersymmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Models, Physical Review Letter 124, 244101 (2020). [SCI, IF: 9.161]
11 Fadi Sun, Yu Yi-Xiang, Jinwu Ye, W. M. Liu, Classification of the quantum chaos in colored Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models, Physical Review D 101, 026009 (2020). [SCI,IF: 5.296]
10 Fadi Sun, Jinwu Ye, Topological depletions and sub-leading scalings across topological phase transitions, Physical Review B 96, 035113 (2017). [SCI, IF: 4.036]
9 Fadi Sun, Jinwu Ye, and Wu-Ming Liu, Quantum incommensurate skyrmion crystals and commensurate to in-commensurate transitions in cold atoms and materials with spin–orbit couplings in a Zeeman field, New Journal of Physics 19, 083015 (2017).
[SCI, IF: 3.773]
8 Fadi Sun, Jinwu Ye, Wu-Ming Liu, Hubbard model with Rashba or Dresselhaus spinorbit coupling and Rotated Anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg Model, New Journal of Physics 19, 063025 (2017). [SCI, IF: 3.773]
7 Fadi Sun, Jinwu Ye, Wu-Ming Liu, Classification of magnons in Rotated Ferromagnetic Heisenberg model and their competing responses in transverse fields, Physical Review B 94, 024409 (2016). [SCI, IF: 4.036]
6 Fadi Sun, Jinwu Ye, and Wu-Ming Liu, Quantum magnetism of spinor bosons in optical lattices with synthetic non-Abelian gauge fields, Physical Review A 92,043609 (2015). [SCI, IF: 3.140]
5 Fadi Sun, Xiao-Lu Yu, Jinwu Ye, Heng Fan, and Wu-Ming Liu, Topological Quantum Phase Transition in Synthetic Non-Abelian Gauge Potential: Gauge Invariance and Experimental Detections, Scientific Reports 3, 2119 (2013). [SCI, IF: 4.011]
4 Yu Yi-Xiang, Fadi Sun, Jinwu Ye, Ningfang Song, Class of topological phase transitions of Rashba spin-orbit coupled fermions on a square lattice, Physical Review B 98, 174506 (2018). [SCI, IF: 4.036]
3 Jinwu Ye, Fadi Sun, Yi-Xiang Yu,and Wu-Ming Liu, Exciton correlations and input-output relations in non-equilibrium exciton superfluids, Annals of Physics 329, 51 (2013). [SCI, IF: 2.267]
2 Guocai Liu, Shi-Liang Zhu, Shaojian Jiang, Fadi Sun, and Wu-Ming Liu, Simulating and detecting the quantum spin Hall effect in the kagome optical lattice, Physical Review A 82, 053605 (2010). [SCI, IF: 3.140]
1 Hong-Yi Yu, Fadi Sun, and An-Chun Ji, Gossamer Superfluid and Antiferromagnetic State of Cold Atoms in Optical Lattices, Modern Physics Letters B 24, 2377 (2010).[SCI, IF: 1.367]