
刘少敏 | 讲席教授
2024/01/31 来源: 编辑:

邮箱:    liushaomin@gbu.edu.cn

学历:    新加坡国立大学    化学工程        博士



? 无机膜材料与膜组件的研发

? 陶瓷和金属膜反应器反应-分离耦合技术
? 膜分离制备氢气和氧气
? 无机材料中空纤维膜技术
? 纳米材料光(压电)催化和高级氧化技术
? 废弃复合材料碳纤维回收术
? 新型高效纳米抗菌剂的研发



?    2024-至今 大湾区大学 (Great Bay University) ,先进工程学院,讲席教授

?    2000-2023 先后任职新加坡材料科学与工程研究所 (IMRE-Singapore)研究助理,美国加州理工学院(Caltech)博士后,新加坡南洋理工大学环境研究所(NTU-IESE)科学家,澳大利亚昆士兰大学(UQ)研究员/高级研究员,澳大利亚科廷大学(Curtin University)教授,北京化工大学(BUCT)教授和天津工业大学(Tiangong Uni)教授。



主要从事无机膜材料与膜组件的研发、膜反应器分离与传质过程机理、反应-分离耦合技术、纳米光(压电)催化材料合成与应用、氢气和氧气的制备以及分离应用等技术的基础研究。主持了多项澳大利亚国家基金、澳大利亚地方政府创业基金、中澳合作研究基金, 国家面上基金等项目,项目总金额合人民币数千万元,已经培养20多名博士生,在Science, Nature Sustainability, Chemical Society Reviews, Energy & Environmental Science, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Advanced Functional Materials, Nature Communications, ACS Catalysis, Journal of Membrane Science、AICHE Journal等综合期刊或专业期刊发表学术论文560余篇,论文被引用34000 多次 (Google Scholar)。现担任Journal of Membrane Science Editor,最近致力于膜技术在电子气体的制备与纯化中的应用。



1.  P. Liu, X. Li, T. Cai, W. Xing, N. Yang, H. Arandiyan, Z. Shao, S. Wang, S. Liu, Molecular Structure Tailoring of Organic Spacers for High-Performance Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite Solar Cells, Nano-Micro Letters 2025, 17, 35.


2. M. Zhang, K. Wang, C. Han, M. Zhang, J. Vongsvivut, T. Dong, L. Liu, S. Wang, S. Liu, Kesterite-Type Narrow Bandgap Piezoelectric Catalysts for Highly Efficient Piezocatalytic Fenton System, Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 8 (28) 2412258. 

3. X. Wang,Z. Wang, Z. Xue,Y. Fan, J. Yang, Q. Zhang, N. Yang, X. Meng, Y. Jin, S. Liu, Subnano confinement in robust MoS2-based membranes for high-performance osmotic energy conversion, Energy & Environmental Science 17 (2024) 6225-6233.  

4. J. Huang; Y. Zhang; J. Guo; F. Yang; J. Ma; Y. Bai; L. Shao; S. Liu; H. Wang, Polymeric membranes with highly homogenized nanopores for ultrafast water purification, Nature Sustainability 7 (2024) 901–909.

5. X. Yang, P. Sun, Y. Wen, A. U. Mane, J. W. Elam, J. Ma, S. Liu, S. B. Darling, L. Shao, Protein-activated atomic layer deposition for robust crude-oil-repellent hierarchical nano-armored membranes, Science Bulletin 69 (2024) 218-226.

6. S. Li, W. Han,Z. Wang, Y. Sun, Z. Zheng, M. Yin, S. Liu, Q. An, Dormancy and double-activation strategy for construction of high-performance mixed-matrix membranes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 63 (2024) e2023151.

7. H. Piao, J. Zhao, Y. Tang, R. Zhang, S. Zhang, Q. Huang, S. Zuo, Y. Liu, C. Xiao, S. Liu, On-demand switchable superamphiphilic nanofiber membrane reinforced by PET braided tube for efficient wastewater purification and photocatalytic regeneration, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 341 (2024) 123300.

8. J. Guo, Y. Zhang, F. Yang, B. B Mamba, J. Ma, L. Shao, S. Liu, Ultra Permeable Dual Mechanism Driven Graphene Oxide Framework Membranes for Precision Ion Separations, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62 (2023) 23, e202302931.

9. W. Tang, B. Li, H. Liu, T. Liang, P. Li, C. Zhao, X. Li, S. Liu, Highly selective and permeable β-cyclodextrin based polyester nanofiltration membranes maintaining good chlorine resistance, Journal of Membrane Science, 685 (2023) 121976.

10. B. Wang, T. Li, Z. Wang, M. H. D. Othman, S. Liu, R. Xiao, A Review of Water Splitting via Mixed Ionic-electronic Conducting (MIEC) Membrane Reactors, Green Chemistry, 25 (2023) 6930-6948. 

11. Y. Zhang, H. Wang, J. Guo, X. Cheng, G. Han, C. H. Lau, H. Lin, S. Liu, J. Ma, L. Shao, Ice-confined Synthesis of Highly Ionized 3D-quasi-layered Polyamide Nanofiltration Membranes, Science, 382 (2023), 6667, 202-206.

12. K. Wang, C. Han, J. Li, J. Qiu, J. Sunarso, S. Liu, The Mechanism of Piezocatalysis: Energy Band Theory or Screening Charge Effect, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61 (6) e202110429.

13. K. Wang, M. Zhang, D. Li, L. Liu, Z. Shao, X. Li, H. Arandiyan, S. Liu, Ternary BaCaZrTi perovskite oxide piezocatalysts dancing for efficient hydrogen peroxide generation, Nano Energy 98 (2022) 107251.

14. S. Zhang, J. Y. J. Yeo, C. Li, X. Meng, N. Yang, J. Sunarso, S. Liu,Oxygen Permeation Simulation of La0.8Ca0.2Fe0.95O3-δ-Ag Hollow Fiber Membrane at Different Modes and Flow Configurations, AICHE Journal 68 (2022) e17508.    

15. S. Zhang, T. Li, B. Wang, Z. Zhou, X. Meng, N. Yang, X. Zhu, S. Liu, Coupling water splitting and partial oxidation of methane (POM) in Ag modified La0. 8Ca0. 2Fe0. 94O3-δ hollow fiber membrane reactors for co-production of H2 and syngas, Journal of Membrane Science 659 (2022) 120772.


?    2024年科睿唯安全球高被引科学家

?    国家海外高层次创新人才计划

?    ARC-Future Fellow

?    Fellow of RSC

?    山东省泰山学者

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