
2024/04/24 来源: 编辑:






u拓扑量子物态                                   u量子输运                                       u电声耦合

u拓扑量子计算                                   uNISQ器件                                      u声子动力学 




uPRLNat. Commun.PRB等学术杂志发表论文11篇,其中以第一作者发表5篇(包括2PRL)。


u2013.09 – 2018.07                  北京大学                 凝聚态物理学              博士

u2009.09 – 2013.07                  山东大学                 理论物理学                  学士


u2024.04 – 至今                          大湾区大学                                               助理教授

u2021.04 – 2024.04                    Bar-Ilan UniversityIsrael                    博士后

u2018.09 – 2021.01                    清华大学                                                   博士后


1. Donghao Liu, Polina Matveeva, Dmitri Gutman and Sam T. Carr, Elementary models of 3D topological insulators with chiral symmetry. Phys. Rev. B 108, 035418 (2023).

2Polina Matveeva, Tyler Hewitt, Donghao Liu, Kethan Reddy, Dmitri Gutman and Sam T. Carr, One-dimensional non-interacting topological insulators with chiral symmetry. Phys. Rev. B 107, 075422 (2023).

3. Yiru Hao , Gu Zhang, Donghao Liu, Dong E. Liu. "Anomalous universal conductance as a hallmark of non-locality in a Majorana-hosted superconducting island." Nature Communications 13(1), 6699 (2022).

4. Huading Song, Zitong Zhang, Dong Pan, Donghao Liu, Zhaoyu Wang, Zhan Cao, Lei Liu, Lianjun Wen, Dunyuan Liao, Ran Zhuo, Dong E. Liu, Runan Shang, Jianhua Zhao, Hao Zhang, "Large zero bias peaks and dips in a four-terminal thin InAs-Al nanowire device", Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033235 (2022).

5. Shan Zhang, Zhichuan Wang, Dong Pan, Hangzhe Li, Shuai Lu, Zonglin Li, Gu Zhang, Donghao Liu, Zhan Cao, Lei Liu, Lianjun Wen, Dunyuan Liao, Ran Zhuo, Runan Shang, Dong E Liu, Jianhua Zhao, Hao Zhang, Suppressing Andreev bound state zero bias peaks using a strongly dissipative lead. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 076803 (2022).

6. Donghao Liu, Gu Zhang, Zhan Cao, Hao Zhang, Dong E. Liu, Universal conductance scaling of Andreev reflections using a dissipative probe. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 076802 (2022).

7. Donghao Liu, Zhan Cao, Xin Liu, Hao Zhang, Dong E. Liu, Topological Kondo Device for distinguishing Quasi-Majorana and Majorana signatures. Phys. Rev. B 104, 205125 (2021).

8. Donghao Liu, Cao Zhan, Hao Zhang, Dong E. Liu, Reveal the non-local coherent nature from a dissipative Majorana teleportation. Phys. Rev. B 101, 081406(Rapid communications) (2020).

9. Huiying Liu, Ying Yuan, Donghao Liu, Xin-Zheng Li, Junren Shi, Superconducting transition temperatures of metallic liquids. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013340 (2020).

10. Donghao Liu, and Junren Shi, Circular phonon dichroism in Weyl semimetals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 075301 (2017). 

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