主要工作经历: 中国南方电网、香港大学
? 智慧能源【主要成果】
主要从事地下流体多孔介质渗流力学分析、清洁能源产能预测以及“双碳”目标下的绿色低碳技术研究。以第一作者和通讯作者身份发表论文15篇(包括SPE Journal及Petroleum Science等领域顶级期刊),登记软件著作权2项,以第一发明人申报国家发明专利3项。主持/参与国内外项目9项(包括国家高技术研究发展计划、国家科技重大专项、广东省优秀青年科研人才培养计划、地市级基础与应用基础研究项目等),项目总金额数达百万元。自研的油气产能预测软件有效支撑了软件国产化进程,在实际推广运用中取得良好实施效果。【代表性成果】
[1]Qiu, K., Li, H*. A new analytical solution of the triple-porosity model for history matching and performance forecasting in unconventional oil reservoirs. SPE Journal 2018(06):2060-2079.
[2]Qiu, K., et al. An approximate analytical model for unconventional reservoir considering variable matrix blocks and simultaneous matrix depletion. Petroleum Science 2024, 21:352-365.
[3] Qiu, K., et al. Analytical model for flow migration in deep
saline aquifers considering the effect of heterogeneity and matrix-fracture interaction. Gas Science and Engineering 2023(118):205114.
[4] Qiu, K., Wei, S.*. Evaluation of the effect of organic matter contained in
shale on hydraulic fracturing of infill-well. Geomechanics for Energy and
the Environment. 2023,100524.
[5] Qiu, K., et al. A new approach for production prediction in onshore and offshore tight oil reservoir. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2023, 11: 2079.
? 博士后
? 特任研究员及研究助理